Clay County Beekeepers Association
Scheduled Events
Regular Monthly Meetings begin at 7PM.
Mentor Meetings are held on the second Saturday of the month. October thru May 10AM - 12N. June thru September 9AM - 11AM.
When available, you can watch our meetings and our training presentations on Zoom.
Login information has changed. New login information is listed below:
Meeting ID: 853 9460 9900
Passcode: 212185
21-22 Bee College, UF Gainesville.
22 Honey Bottling at AG Ctr 12-5 PM at the AG Ctr Volunteers welcome.
29 Cleaning the Honey House 10AM Volunteers welcome.
3-13 Clay County Fair; Susan Welch asking for volunteers at the Honey House.
14 Monthly Meeting. Speaker TBD.
19 Mentor Meeting, 10AM. Date change due to Clay County Fair.
4 Orange Park Farmers Market 10AM-3PM.
10 Mentor Meeting, 10AM.
12 Monthly Meeting. Speaker TBD.
14 Mentor Meeting, 9AM.
16 Monthly Meeting. Summer Pot Luck Dinner. Zoom not available.